1. Arts 教育 人文学科 and Social Sciences
  2. 心理学

心理学| 主要

The psychology major is designed to increase personal understanding of animal and human behavior and mental processes.

Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Arts

The psychology major is designed to increase personal understanding of animal and human behavior and mental health processes. The psychology major at Lake Erie College also provides basic preparation for entrance into graduate school or pursuit of a professional career in the field of psychology.

Students should realize careers in the field of psychology typically require further training; many of our students pursue graduate studies in this field. It is strongly recommended that all psychology majors participate in an internship (PS 250/350).

实习 introduce students to a variety of careers that require this training and provide valuable hands-on experience. 心理学 students have worked with the Juvenile Court, 避难所, psychiatric clinics and rehabilitation agencies. All eligible psychology majors are encouraged to participate in Psi的气, the International Honor Society in 心理学 and in the 心理学 Club.

Requirements for the 主要

The Bachelor of Arts in 心理学 requires 42 semester credits, 包括:

  • PS 101 General 心理学 (3 SH)

  • PS 204 Statistics (4 SH)

  • PS 222 心理学 of Personality (3 SH)

  • PS 324 Physiological 心理学 (3 SH)

  • PS 325 Research Methods (4 SH)

  • PS 329 Abnormal 心理学 (3 SH)

  • PS 335 Introduction to Clinical 心理学 (3 SH)

  • PS 400 心理学 Research Seminar (4 SH)

心理学 Group 1

Students must also take 15 semester credits from the following:

  • PS 220 Child 心理学 (3 SH)

  • PS 232 Social 心理学 (3 SH)

  • PS 237 Human Sexuality (3 SH)

  • PS 305 心理学 of Learning (3 SH)

  • PS 322 Adulthood and Aging (3 SH)

  • PS 330 Juvenile Delinquency (3 SH)

  • PS 336 Cognitive 心理学 (3 SH)

  • PS 345 心理学 and Law (3 SH)

  • PS 170-79 / 270-79 / 370-79 Special Topics in 心理学 (2-4 SH)

  • PS 250/350 Internship in 心理学 (2-5 SH)

  • PS 160/260/360 Individual Investigation in 心理学 (2-4 SH)

* Substitutions for these requirements may be made only with the approval of a psychology faculty member. Requests must be accompanied by a written statement explaining the reason(s) for the substitution.

Optional Concentrations

Forensic 心理学 Concentration

Forensic 心理学 is the application of the science and profession of psychology to questions and issues relating to law and the legal system. Classes include Criminal Law and Procedure, Landmark Cases in Mental Health and the Law, Constitutional Law, and 心理学 and the Law.

Requirements for the Concentration

Students will have to meet the same requirements as the 心理学 major plus 12 additional semester credits 包括:

  • CJ 220 Criminal Law and Procedure (3 SH)

  • CJ 311 Landmark Cases in Mental Health and the Law (3 SH)

  • CJ 324 Constitutional Law (3 SH)

  • PS 345 心理学 and Law (3 SH)

Psychobiology Concentration

Students are introduced to the biological and physiological processes of living organisms from a biological perspective as a supplement to understanding behavior and mental processes from a psychological perspective.

Requirements for the Concentration:

Students are required to meet all of the same requirements as the 心理学 major plus 15 semester credits, 包括:

  • BI 101 Introductory Biology I (3 SH)

  • BI 101L Introductory Biology I Lab (1 SH)

  • BI 102 Introductory Biology II (3 SH)

  • BI 102L Introductory Biology II Lab (1 SH)

  • BI 238 Human Anatomy & Physiology I (3 SH)

  • BI 238L Human Anatomy & Physiology I Lab (1 SH)

Physiobiology Concentration Group 1. Students must pick 1 course from the following list:

  • BI 330 Evolutionary Biology (3 SH)

  • BI 333 Animal Behavior (3 SH)

For more information about 心理学…

Jennifer Swartz-Levine, Ph.D

Dean of the School of Arts, 教育, 人文学科, and Social Sciences; Professor of English and Director of the Writing Center

1 (440) 375-7456


Arts 教育 人文学科 and Social Sciences

College Campus | Royce Hall

心理学 Faculty